Sunday 13 April 2014

Food for thought- The Fruit of the Spirit

Hello guys, its been a very very long time,yes  I know. No excuse really, I just got busy with other stuffs and phases in my life. Anyways, while studying this morning (inspired from yesterday's church message) and , I read something which I believe would benefit one of two people if they read it as well. It's a lovely piece from Family life website...

Every one of us needs an occasional visit to the doctor for a checkup to make sure everything is working alright and that we don’t have an unknown serious internal condition.
The same is true with our spiritual lives. As creatures of habit, we tend to go through life on autopilot. We often miss clues that indicate that our spirit is not enjoying the good health that God created it for.

In the same way that the doctor puts us through a battery of tests to diagnose potential physical problems, God has given us a process of evaluating spiritual problems in our lives:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Each of these is a characteristic of the Holy Spirit’s active presence in our daily activities. Let’s look at each one and ask some diagnostic questions to make sure we’re healthy.
1. Love.  This word for love doesn’t refer to warm feelings but to a deliberate attitude of good will and devotion to others. Love gives freely without looking at whether the other person deserves it, and it gives without expecting anything back.
Question: Am I motivated to do for others as Christ has done for me, or am I giving in order to receive something in return?
2. Joy.  Unlike happiness, joy is gladness that is completely independent of the good or bad things that happen in the course of the day. In fact, joy denotes a supernatural gladness given by God’s Spirit that actually seems to show up best during hard times. This is a product of fixing your focus on God’s purposes for the events in your life rather than on the circumstances.
Question: Am I experiencing a joy of life on a regular basis, or is my happiness dependent on things going smoothly in my day?
3. Peace.  It’s not the absence of turmoil, but the presence of tranquility even while in a place of chaos. It is a sense of wholeness and completeness that is content knowing that God controls the events of the day.
Question: Do I find myself frazzled by the crashing waves of turmoil in my life, or am I experiencing “the peace that passes all comprehension” (Philippians 4:6-7)?
4. Patience. Other words that describe this fruit are lenience, long-suffering, forbearance, perseverance, and steadfastness. It is the ability to endure ill treatment from life or at the hands of others without lashing out or paying back.
Question: Am I easily set off when things go wrong or people irritate me, or am I able to keep a godly perspective in the face of life’s irritations?
5. Kindness. When kindness is at work in a person’s life, he or she looks for ways to adapt to meet the needs of others. It is moral goodness that overflows. It’s also the absence of malice.
Question: Is it my goal to serve others with kindness, or am I too focused on my own needs, desires or problems to let the goodness of God overflow to others?
6. Goodness. While kindness is the soft side of good, goodness reflects the character of God. Goodness in you desires to see goodness in others and is not beyond confronting or even rebuking (as Jesus did with the money changers in the temple) for that to happen.
Question: Does my life reflect the holiness of God, and do I desire to see others experience God at a deep level in their own lives?
7. Faithfulness. A faithful person is one with real integrity. He or she is someone others can look to as an example, and someone who is truly devoted to others and to Christ. Our natural self always wants to be in charge, but Spirit-controlled faithfulness is evident in the life of a person who seeks good for others and glory for God.
Question: Are there areas of hypocrisy and indifference toward others in my life, or is my life characterized by faith in Christ and faithfulness to those around me?
8. Gentleness. Meekness is not weakness. Gentleness is not without power, it just chooses to defer to others. It forgives others, corrects with kindness, and lives in tranquility.
Question: Do I come across to others as brash and headstrong, or am I allowing the grace of God to flow through me to others?
9. Self-control. Our fleshly desires, Scripture tells us, are continually at odds with God’s Spirit and always want to be in charge. Self-control is literally releasing our grip on the fleshly desires, choosing instead to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. It is power focused in the right place.
Question: Are my fleshly desires controlling my life, or am I allowing the Spirit to direct me to the things that please God and serve others?
10. Walk by the Spirit. While not a fruit of the Spirit, the final item on the checkup produces all nine qualities listed above. When we follow the Spirit’s lead instead of being led by our self-focused desires, He produces the fruit.
But even when we don’t walk by the Spirit, He is the very one who convicts us that things are not in proper order in our lives.
God promises that if we are willing to admit that we have been walking our own way and ask for His forgiveness and cleansing, He will empower us through His Spirit to live above ourselves and live the abundant life for which He has created us.
Question: Am I actively depending on the Holy Spirit to guide me in God’s ways so I don’t get wrapped up in myself? If not, am I willing to confess to God that His ways are better than mine, and that I need the Spirit’s guidance to live above the fray?

Stay Blessed.

Monday 21 October 2013

My Current craving


So here is what I seriously crave for at the moment.....

Really dont know why, but I long for ..This shoe ....

 I hope my thirst would be watered soon...

Monday 23 September 2013

The Advisory Place

The Advisory place is an indigenous consulting company that specialize in business advisory services, human capital management, and learning & development solutions. We  render the following services via our strategic business units:

Business advisory services:

Human capital management services :

Learning and Development services:

For further enquiries visit and  or call 08088850538 for our services.

The Advisory Place............ ideas on the move.

Thursday 19 September 2013

What Matters in marriage!!!

Hi guys. Hope you all are having a fabulous week. Its Mid week and already past mid month!
Well, time flies doesn't it???.

Lately, I have been reading a whole lot on marriage as I know we can never know it all so I am always open to learn. I came across a post and noted some points I will be sharing shortly. Marriage isn't just a one day affair. The actual marriage in itself is immediately the marriage ceremony is over and everyone returns to their various destination. It has nothing to do with how big or small the wedding ceremony was, how much was involved, or how many celebrities,politicians and big shots were in attendance. Its  actually a bigger picture than we ever imagine. So much time is given to the planning stage for the big day than the big life after the day.
For you to have a good marriage, you need a whole lot of stuff:

God: From day one, I have tried to base my relationship on God. Even when I was just friends with my significant other, He also has the fear of God, and that made it easier for us to reason on the same grounds. We see God as the only third party allowed to comment, change and direct us. I tell you, we have tried Him severally and even spoken to Him, like He was physically right beside us. Guess what, He showed Himself present in our midst. The only solid foundation is God. And like I always tell my friends, A woman is the strength of the marriage. A woman who loves and knows God will never get it wrong, You may fall severally but You will always rise up.

Maturity: Like they say, age is just a number. I have met several people who act way more mature than they look and vice versa. Age could be a factor but maturity of the mind is of paramount importance. With maturity, you can handle a whole lot of challenges and settle problems with ease.

Patience: I remember early last year when I figured out my relationship was always having issues more often than not (of which I always began the fight, lol ), I took out time to figure what the issue was and somehow I realized that I lacked patience big time. It actually topped the list of my prayer points January 1st 2013(not a joking matter). I have told anyone who cared to listen to always advice me on that subject, and I can say putting all words together, I can clearly see the power of Patience in my life & relationship. I need more and more dosage of it as I can never have enough. Someone once said  ''when I was getting married, one of the things I was told was, go to the market, there is a material called PATIENCE, buy it, sew and wear if you must succeed in marriage. I tell you it was good advice; everyone needs it no matter who you are dealing with''

Financial stability: Money can never be over emphasized in a relationship. It doesn't mean millions must be involved, just have enough to take care of the basic needs of life and enough for the raining day. I would prefer mentioning that you should be educated, have a steady source(s) of income, rather than preach about having millions of money.

Love:  My Cousin always told me when I was young that Love is a Virus, and it will someday catch up with It can make you do things you never imagined you will do. Dont be surprised that severally people walk the isle with no love existing in their hearts. Needless to say, people marry for several reasons. However, I only believe in the reason for Love, for it is this love that makes me imagine a future and a life with my partner. Along the line, some fall in love and others who tried severally without succeeding end up pulling out from the marriage.  Some also who married for love fall out of love during the marriage. Well people say True love never dies......I'm not sure if I believe that or not.All I would say is you should be able to figure out why you love that person. Is it a physical attraction, attitude, way of life, looks?....whatever the reason is have it in mind that You are in the business till death do you part......

Good health: Please ensure you confirm the compatibility of you and your partner before proceeding into anything serious. AT times love can be deadly o, people just get carried away and assume all is well. When the basics are done, all other issues can be handled amicably if any comes up. If there is any ailment you are aware existing in your partner, you must be ready to live with it and stand by your partner in trying moments. Remember its 'in sickness and in health'. We all pray for good health, but nothing stops you from doing the general check ups.

There are several other things you need to know, do or learn before marriage; find them, do them and ENJOY!!!

If there are more points , Please comment below as I would be happy to know..


Thursday 5 September 2013

How to get married; "Naija" style (by Toke Makinwa)

Hi guys,
Hope you all are having a fabulous September? Well for me, It started off beautifully well and I expect a fabulous ending. It's also the beginning of the 'ember' months. Worry not, we are over comers and nothing shall befall us.

So back to the matter, I stumbled on this video today and I couldn't help but wonder. Like seriously!!! Perhaps the hustle for obtaining, acquiring, getting (or whichever term you decide to use) a Husband is getting really serious by the minute. Gals are not smiling at all.....hehehe. 

Anyways if you are one of the desperadoes, here is some advice from someone I believe you already know..

There is something wrong with this advice...or is it just me?? And for those over 30, worry not, at the appointed time, your status shall change..

Wat do you think about the video??

Sunday 25 August 2013

Just a piece

Hello Guys!hope you all had a fab weekend... It was a very emotional one for me (yea had to make some critical decisions), but I learnt a lot afterwards. below is a little piece from me to you.....
Great people are ordinary people with extra ordinary amount of determination. Greatness can be reached through extra ordinary will and determination to reach the top. You cant sit down fold your arms doing nothing and expect things to change. There has to be an action involved. That biting troubling problem you are facing should not stop you. Yes, I know it may be a very big one, but complaining will only keep you in one spot, lamenting your fate will only bring you nearer to your grave. 

Every being has one thing in common which money cannot buy.. It's 24hours in a day. How each of us use that time is the determining factor of who we are going to be in the nearest future. I always say, I am not lucky I am blessed. Stop complaining, stop the envy, stop the backbiting, Stop wishing You were the next person by your side.Their troubles may just be more than you could never imagine

It will shock you to know that you can be who you want to be,especially if God says so. Thus you need not want to be like the next person. How you may ask? The only reason why we feel incomplete is because we do not know who we already are (A Royal Priesthood). Once we realize who we are, our worth especially in Christ, the urge to be like the person by your side fades away.

Stop the  procrastination, It Kills. Make that move now, start that school now, apply for that Job now, Take that exam now, Make that decision about your family now. Do it now as NO MAN knows the next minute.

Life is beautiful, you got to know how to live it......

Stay blessed  and show someone love today.


Thursday 22 August 2013

African Sunday

Hello guys!!!

     Sunday was an ''African Sunday'' and I thought. how would I pull this up without the Gele cause I   was so not in the mood for that. I also didn’t want any headaches as I was ready to get my praise on.What was missing???? Oufit of the day... 


Thankfully, I remembered I had this aso-oke (Yoruba fabric) somewhere in my wardrobe. I 've had it for over 5years now. I also had dis oleku blouse. I started putting one plus one and what thrilled me most was how I put everything togedr and rock my hair without putting up a Gele.

I sure like the way I rocked it without the Gele, makes it kinda tush traditional attire.hehehehehehehe..just psychin maself

If there was to be a prize, I bet I would win it *in ma mind* 


